Is WeTransfer Down Today? | WeTransfer Status and Outage

WeTransfer current status is UP. No reports indicate that wetransfer has possible problems at this time.

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WeTransfer Server Real-time Status Check

Current Status: Up
Last 24 Hours: Up
Last Down: 2023-12-11 11
WeTransfer was down on 2023-12-11, but it's up now.

When the website is UP on Blexb, it means the website is accessible for most people in the world at the moment.

WeTransfer Status History

WeTransfer outages reported in the last 24 hours

This chart shows the status changes of wetransfer server over the past 24 hours. The green line shows that wetransfer is up, and the yellow line shows that the status is unstable. If wetransfer is down, the red line will be used in the chart. The above data is based on automatic inspection and tracking by Blexb algorithms.

Recent WeTransfer Outages

Date Time Downtime Duration Status
2023-12-11 19:51:55 0d 0h 13min 40s DOWN
2023-10-24 13:07:11 0d 0h 1min 22s DOWN
2023-10-24 13:01:01 0d 0h 5min 0s DOWN

This table displays the details of wetransfer outages in the past three months. There have been 0 reported in this period. The latest service interruption of wetransfer occurred on 2023-12-11, lasting 0d 0h 13min 40s.

WeTransfer Access Tips

If you can not access it, refer to the following potential reasons:

1. Is there a network latency problem? Check Facebook, Yahoo Japan connection.

2. The page you visited does not exist or has been deleted, in which case the page will return a 404 error.

3. A 500 or 503 error occurs when the site's server is unstable.

More Troubleshooting Guidances

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Latest Down Website

Lausd.net - Server is DOWN
Careerengine.us - Server is DOWN
Rumble.com - Server is DOWN
Freepik.com - Server is DOWN
Intersport.fr - Server is DOWN
Schoology.com - Server is DOWN

Latest Unstable Website

Makeameme.org - Server is UNSTABLE
Bibliocommons.com - Server is UNSTABLE
Cic.gc.ca - Server is UNSTABLE
Fepblue.org - Server is UNSTABLE
Flyfrontier.com - Server is UNSTABLE

Top Website Status

Ebay.com - Server is UP
Netflix.com - Server is UP
Fedex.com - Server is UP
Southwest.com - Server is UP
Instructure.com - Server is UP